The only exception was their goal to conquer the Unova region by using the Kami trio and Meloetta but their plans are soon thwarted by Ash and the group when his Pikachu hits its ampliflied Electro Ball to the platform that Giovanni was standing and was possessed by the Reveal Glass. At some point of the anime series' run, they are seen confronting another criminal organizations such as both Team Aqua and Team Magma in Hoenn, Team Galactic in Sinnoh, Team Plasma in Unova, Team Flare in Kalos and Team Skull in Alola. Team Rocket has also been shown to have branches in the Johto Region and other areas in Kanto. It is now in an unknown location inside of a large canyon.

Their headquarters were once located in between Pallet Town and Viridian City but has since been destroyed. Team Rocket, in the anime, have a Base of Operations in Kanto and are headed by Giovanni. Team Rocket is eventually defeated, and in a last resort they take over the radio tower and hope to contact Giovanni, but are once again stopped. When the player reaches the Lake of Rage he/she will discover that Team Rocket was behind the Red Gyarados incident, and will join forces with Lance in an attempt to pull the plug. In Azalea Town, they threaten to cut off Slowpoke tails and sell them. After a scientist retrieves the Sapphire from the dotted hole, the player can access their warehouse on Five Island and defeat the Grunts, Admins and the Scientist to get it back. Ember where they search for the Ruby and in Icefall Cave where they are fought off with Lorelei's help. In the Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen versions, they also appear in the Sevii Islands. Like all of his encounters with the player, he is defeated and gives up the Earth Badge. Towards the end of the game, Giovanni is revealed to be the missing Viridian City Gym Leader and he was attempting to rebuild Team Rocket in his gym. The two times the player battles him, Giovanni leaves behind the Silph Scope and the Master Ball after he is defeated. They were careful to guard the secret button, but the player eventually discovers the button, which introduces the player to Giovanni whom the player battles occasionally. Team Rocket's main headquarters used to be in the Game Corner at Celadon. Moon and then are conducting their plans in Saffron City, the Game Corner in Celadon City and the Pokémon Tower.Īccording to the Lavender Town residents, Team Rocket killed several Pokémon, including a Marowak that was a mother to a Cubone. Team Rocket in the original, Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen games appear throughout the game. In Pokémon Yellow and Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, Team Rocket's Jessie and James also appear in several locations and battle the player. Team Rocket has appeared in various games including the Generation I, Generation II, Generation III, Generation IV, and Generation VII games.